Jury Service Center
Office Hours:Monday - Friday 8:30 - 4:00
Processing ...
Before you Start:
The daily announcement of summoned jurors required to report is available on the web at:
or by phone at 724.838.7000 after 5:00 pm the work day prior to scheduled date of service.
You can elect to receive notification of whether you are required to report by text or email
, by providing a cell phone and/or email address on the On-Line Summons Response screen.
Text or email messages can fail to be delivered for many reasons. If you fail to receive text or email notification regarding your service date, you must check the web or voicemail message listed above.
If you no longer have your original summons, you can review instructions
Juror Number:
Serve Date:
* must be in mm/dd/yyyy format
Date of Birth: